Heavy Duty Pintles

Beech River Mill Builds Wooden Shutters, Blinds and Custom Doors that are Built on Tradition, Grounded in Craftsmanship and Engineered for Tomorrow - Since 1851

300 N Series Timber Drive Pintles
A metal bar wrapped around a pin, welded and forged to a really big nail.
The earliest pintles were designed to be slugged into heavy hewn timber frame construction. They’re really strong and absolutely original in appearance, but they take a lot of wood to handle them. Not recommended for anything less than a 4×4 and even that may be subject to splitting.

301 N Series Frame Drive Pintle
It’s suitable for lighter frame construction but a bit tricky to install and only suggested if you really want the look of the originals.

302 N Series Plate Pintle
They work well with frame construction and examples can be found from then through now. The rectangular plate is probably the most commonly used pintle with strap and other hinge forms.

302 W Series Plate Pintle
They work well with frame construction and examples can be found from then through now. The rectangular plate is probably the most commonly used pintle with strap and other hinge forms.

303 N Series Narrow Plate Pintle
It is often used when the pintle will fasten into masonry – the two fasteners require far less drilling and installation time than four.

303 W Series Narrow Plate Pintle
It is useful where a narrow section of casing is available to mount the pintle, but the shutters need to swing on an axis other than the mid-point of the casing.

304 W Series Offset Narrow Pintle
It is useful where a narrow section of casing is available to mount the pintle, but the shutters need to swing on an axis other than the mid-point of the casing.

305 N Series Jamb Leaf Pintle
It works rather like a standard mortised door hinge, but accepts our heavy strap hinge. The result is a very clean looking installation.

305 W Series Jamb Leaf Pintle
It works rather like a standard mortised door hinge, but accepts our heavy strap hinge. The result is a very clean looking installation.

306 W Series Lag Pintles
We make these pintles in a 4 and 6” screw length so you can adjust the pintle standoff on site. Several customers have reported good results with drilling a 1/2 ” diameter hole in wood or masonry, coating the threads with an appropriate adhesive, then tapping the pintle into the desired depth.

307 W Series Notched Female Pintle
The standard length of the pintle plate is 5”. This is a great choice for masonry installations, and particularly where the window sits four or more inches inside of the face of the structure. It’s easy to install, and can be configured so that the shutter lays nearly flat against the building with the pintle plate hidden behind the open shutter.

308 N Series Storm Pintle

308 W Series Storm Pintle

309 W Series Female TEE pintle
It’s nice because it doesn’t require a large mounting surface to accept the width of the 307 and it’s not right or left hand specific.